Category: NewsFeed

Driven by their determination to escape from the vicious circle of slash and burn, Martin and his family are rapidly transforming this land from degraded soil choked with weeds to a forest of Inga...

More Than Worth It

Father and son proudly give us the tour of their Inga alleys, which are nearly ready for use. It’s taken them a lot of sweat and hard work to get this far, but they...

Spot the moth!

We spied this beautifully camouflaged moth in our demo biological corridor. Now 14 years old, the biological corridor is converting into a mini patch of rainforest and is full of all kinds of wildlife.

Open Day a Huge Success

Standing within our demo plots at yesterday’s open day, the team explain how Inga alley cropping can overcome all the problems of slash and burn, providing genuine food security and a sustainable livelihood. By...

Natural Pest Control

We’ve been encouraging these wasps to settle at our new Project Center. They carry a painful sting but its still definitely worth having them around as they provide brilliant natural pest control, helping remove...

Tackling the Root of the Problem

Slash and burn farming is devastating the rainforests of Honduras. The only way to stop this is to address the root cause of the problem – hunger. By providing families with food security, Inga...

Inga, Mahogany, Pepper, Vanilla and Much More

Completed just a few months ago, our tree nursery in Honduras now contains 45,000 seedlings of rainforest tree species, alongside thousands of Inga seedlings, not to mention hundreds of pepper, cacao and vanilla plants....

Demo Plots Transformed

A little over a year on and the change to our Inga Alley Demo Plots at CURLA University in Honduras is so dramatic that the site is hardly recognisable!

From Tiny Seedling to Rainforest Giant

These little seedlings growing at our Honduran Project Centre are Swietenia macrophylla, commonly known as Big-leaf Mahogany – a rainforest giant that can live up to 350 yrs and reach 200 ft in height.